Successful interview by IAS toppers


Successful interview by IAS toppers
,My interview revolved around various topics which I had already mentioned in the detailed Application form,
Anmol sher singh bedi IAS topper 2016-17 2nd rank (1st among men )
MR.anmol sher singh bedi has secured the all india first rank among male candidates and
of his UPSC interview to competition success review
the 2nd rank in the overall list of successfull candidates in the civil services examinanation 2016-17.
He hails from Amritsar Panjab and holds a B.E (Hons.)
In computer science from the well- known engineering collage ,BITS pillani.he has secured distinaction in B.E(Hons.).Thought he is science student from the beginning ,he preferred  political science and international relations as his optional  subject .so far as his in enviable  success in the civil services examination is concerned ,he considers a number of factors as the secret of his success ,which are smart work ,luck destiny etc.the  blessing of his parents and their constants support motivated him during his prepration for the CSE .
Here, Mr bedi gives an account

My interview was conduct on march 22 2017 in the forenoon session.The board  was presided by Mr.chattar singh .it also had 5 other members ,apparently experts in different fields .
I was the last one to be interviewed in the session .My interview revolved around various topics which I had already mentioned in the detailed application form.

Chairman-is this your photo?
Anmol sher singh bedi –yes
Chairman-so your name is anmole ?
Bedi-yes sir .
Chairman –you participated in ARSSDC .competition .what is this competition about ?

Bedi-ARSSDC stands for  Asian regional space settlement design competition .This is annual competition where high school students generally from various countries across asia submit their presentations ,citing how they can create a space settlement .we where asked to submit realistic and legitimate designs as to how we can achieve the same .

Chairman –were you alone or part of team ?
Bedi-I was a part of 12th member team which consisted from XI &XII.I was at that’s moment in class x
Chairman –what was your role ?
Bedi-I was part of the operation department .so I worked on how the settlement would be stationed and what could be the best location or how artificial gravity would be created.

Chairman –so you read social issues what kind of issues you read ?
Bedi-sir ,I like to read on  social issues .

Chairman –what did you read recently on it?
Bedi- I read the book ,,uncertain glory,,by Dr.Amarya sen ,where he  has written about social economics inequalities ,

Chairman –what is capability approach ?
Bedi –sir ,Dr.amrartya sen has come up with the idea of capability approach .he has started that distribution of resource directly to people may be fiscally unmanageable .so rather then providing resources to  people ,it would be better to enhance their capabilities term of education .health etc.his approach can be understood vianalogy of a bicycles .rather than distribution bicycles to people ,it would be better to provide then bicycling abilities .

Chairman –Good
Chairman –what kind of places are there to see in Amritsar ?
Bedi-harmandir sahib ,akail  takht temporal seat of Sikhs ,durgiana temle sitta mandir ,wagah border etc.
Chairman –you are forgetting a very important place ,which lies next to harmandir sahib ?

Bedi-jailianwala bagh Thank you sir,
Chairman –so you have been to these places before ?
Bedi- I have been to all the places before once expect harmandir sahib ,where I have been a number of times .

Member1-what is the role of prime number in computer science ?
Bedi- they are basically used in cryptal analysis and cryptal algorithms ,it is specifically used in prime integar factorization problem .which mean that’s it takes polynomial amount of time to verify  but a long time to solve completely .
Member 1-Excellent .
Member1-What is turing machine ?

BEDI-Gave a standard text book ans.about it .

Member 1 –why has india not done well in football  ?what are the problem s?

BEDI-first football is generally found in spatially distributed localities like goa ,Bengal,banglore and is not found in pan like basis ,second ,our country lacks in important infrastructure not in term of big stadium but in term of simple community parks.Third we would required experienced coaches to give better direction to Indian football .
Member 1- so why did india do well previously ?
Bedi-Yes ,india did extremely well before .we reached semifinal Olympics in 1956 ,however after that time .european and south  African have been able to professionalise  their leagues .
Member 1- what Are the problem faced by Indian judiciary ?
Bedi-there are 3 crore cases left in the lower judiciary and around 400  vacancies in the higher courts.litigativve environment just put a lot of pressure on judiciary .the no. of cases per  judge is very high .however .judiciary is speed heading the campaign to democratise Indian polity and fairly successful .

Member 2 what do you think is requited  for the development of  country ?
Bedi- mam there are no of  interesting narratives on development of our country .i believe that modernization is an important way  to india development  .we have had so  many social cleavage within our society  leading to  loyalties which somehow obstruct india development .

Member  2 –what  do  you think  is specifically required for  economic development ?
Bedi –social modernization is still the key to economic development .we also  required  strengthening of our infrastructure .increasing output of industrial  and manufacturing sector .creating meaningful assets and pushing towards human resource development  .
Member  2 what is public  debt ?

Bedi  -gave standard text book definition .
Member  2 what is external ad internal debt?

Bedi-gave standard definition and differentiated between them.

Member3 what is data mining ?
Bedi-  it  is all  about  finding interesting pattern and correlation in a huge data involves the  use  of  statistics ,probability ,and regression to  find important information in  data set.

Member 3- what  is data warehousing ?
Bedi- it is used in an enterprise ,here data is obtained from a variety of transaction system
For ex.POS terminal  and machines ,it is stored in a big data  server ,where is analysed by OLAP tools .then it is send of data marts where departmentalised data querying take place .

Member 3- name two things  that can improve Indian IT  industry ?

Bedi- the first and foremost thing would be diversification .india is overly depended on market in USA and China ,secondly we need to move towards higher innovation sector in IT  industry .
Member 3 – how will you connect  data mining and social networking ?
Bedi- gave the term social media mining and explained it by giving ex . of Indian elections.

Member 3 – name some important issues that you like to read in international affairs ?

Bedi – india and china relation .New world order .ect.

Member 3 -  explain the india and China relation ?
Bedi- gave  a comprehensive explanation of all the issue starting from UNSC 1267 Afghanistan NSG ,UNSC ect.

Member 3 – what is PPP?
Bedi- purchasing power parity or public private partnership .

Member 4 –Explain some advantages and disadvantages of PPP?

Bedi- I explain a few point like private sector financing of infrastructure project .technology  access ect. Similarly explained a few negatives that private  sector may not be wiling to take as much  risk as public sector takes also difficult  to regulate the term  of contract ,non uniformity in allocation of PPP may leads to arbitrariness .

Member 4 – what is BOT ?
Bedi- build operate and transfer?
Member 4 -  define ?
Bedi- the private  sector  build the project ,in operate it for certain while and then transfer the authority to public sector .

Member 4 – name the city ,where maximum PPP project are found ?

Bedi- sorry sir,

Member 4 Name the type math  used in computer science ?
Bedi- discrete mathematics .

Member  4 – why is cyber security required ?
Bedi- we  live in a  borderless and permission less world as far as cyber security is concerned .it is required to protect  our critical assets ,infrastructure private information of citizen and  financial information .

MEMBER -4 Gave difference  between computer engineering and computer science ?

BEDI- Gave standard text book ans/.

MEMBER 4- what is economics Globalisation ?

BEDI- Integration of national is called Economics Globalisation .

Chairman –What is else is part of it ?

BEDI- There is freedom of trade in good and service Technology investment ect.

CHAIRMAN –OK ,gave the advantages of FDI  and some disadvantages ?

BEDI-  Gave standard ans .

CHAIRMAN – Thank you ,anmol
BEDI- Thank you sir ……

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