EXPERIMENT 1 Objective. To study and describe the given flower (1. Petunia, 2. Lathyrus, 3. Asparagus/Allium) and display their various parts.



Objective. To study and describe the given flower (1. Petunia, 2. Lathyrus, 3. Asparagus/Allium) and

display their various parts.


Flower, forceps, razor or blade, slides, needles-2, coverslip, microscope, white paper.


1.Take one suggested flower and make the following observations.

2.Note down, whether it has a pedicel, bracts, epicalyx or not.

3.Observe the presence of different whorls of floral leaves (i.e., calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium) and insertion of floral leaves.

4. Carefully take out floral leaves of each whorl and place them whorl wise on a white paper i.e., epicalyx (if

present), sepals, petals, stamens and carpels.

5.Count the number of floral leaves of each whorl and note down their cohesion (union among the members of the same whorl) or adhesion (union with the floral leaves of other whorl).

6.With the help of a blade, cut thin sections of the ovary. Mount the section on a slide in a drop of water and examine under the dissecting microscope. Count the number of carpels, locules and number of ovules in each locule.

7. Find out the nature of ovary, style, stigma and placentation.

8.Observe the floral characters. Try to write floral formula and draw the floral diagram of the flower.



Division -Angiospermae

Class -      Dicotyledonae

Family     -Solanaceae

Genus      -Petunia

Species    - alba

Flower     -Ebracteate, pedicellate, complete, bisexual, actinomorphic, pentamerous, hypogynous.

Calyx       - Sepals 5, gamosepalous, valvate aestivation, persistent, inferior, green, hairy.

Corolla     - Petals 5, gamopetalous, infundibuliform, valvate aestivation, white or purplish in colour.

Androecium -Stamens 5, alternipetalous, epipetalous, anther bithecous, basifixed.

Gynoecium -Bicarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, obliquely placed, bilocular with axile            placentation, swollen placenta, style long, stigma bifid.

Floral Formula Ebr + O C(5) Ag G (2)

Reasons for Identification

1. Persistent sepals.

2. Infundibuliform corolla.

3. Stamen epipetalous.

4. Ovary obliquely placed, placentation axile with swollen placenta.

Some more similar flowers are-Solanum tuberosum (potato), Solanum nigrum (Makoy).



Division- Angiospermae

Class      -Dicotyledonae

Family- Fabaceae

Genus- Lathyrus

Species -odoratus

Flower -Bracteate (bract caducous), pedicellate, complete, bisexual, zygomorphic slightly perigynous,                  pentamerous, variously coloured.

Calyx - Sepals 5, gamosepalous, valvate, odd sepal anterior, persistent, inferior, green.

Corolla - Petals 5, polypetalous, corolla papillionaceous, vexillary aestivation, variously coloured,


Androecium -Stamens 10, diadelphous 1+ (9), 9 stamens united to form a tube, tenth stamen is free,

                        basifixed inferior.

Gynoecium - Monocarpellary, ovary superior, unilocular, marginal placentation, style curved and hairy,

                        style flattened.

Floral Formula Br† OK (6) C1+2+(2) A14(9) G1

Reasons for identification

1. Flower zygomorphic with papilionacious corolla 

2.odd sepal anterior. 

3.stamens diadelphous 

4.monocarpellary gynoecium overy unilocular with marginal placentaion. 

Some more similar flowers are pisum sativum, dolchos lablab, vicia feba. 




Class      -Monocotyledonae

Family-    Liliaceae

Genus -  Asparagus

Species - officinalis

Flower -Bracteate, pedicellate, incomplete, bisexual, actinomorphic, hypogynous, trimerous.

Perianth -Tepals 6, arranged in two whorls of 3 each, slightly gamophyllous at the base, petaloid,

                white, each tepal is marked with a brown midrib.

Androecium  - Stamens 6, polyandrous, arranged in two whorls of 3 each, antiphyllous, epiphyllous,

                        anther bithecous, basifixed.

Gynoecium    - Tricarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, trilocular, each locule with two ovule, axile

                           placentation, style short, stigma trilobed.

Floral Formula BrO P3.3 A3.3 (3)

Reasons for Identification

1. Flower trimerous.

2. Petaloid perianth in two whorls of 3 each.

3. Stamens 6 in two whorls of 3 each, epiphyllous.

4. Ovary tricarpellary, trilocular with axile placentation.

Some similar flowers. Asphodelus tenuifolius (Piazi).



Division -Angiospermae

Class     - Monocotyledonae

Family  - Liliaceae


Species - - сера

Flower - Bracteate, pedicillate, incomplete, bisexual, actinomorphic, hypogynous, trimerous.

Perianth - Tepals 6, arranged in two whorls of 3 each, slightly gamophyllous at the base, petaloid,

                white in colour, each tepal is marked with a brown midrib.

Androecium - Stamens 6, polyandrous, arranged in two whorls of 3 each, antiphyllous, epiphyllous,

                        anther bithecous, basifixed.

Gynoecium    - Tricarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, trilocular each locule with two ovule, axile

placentation, style short, stigma trilobed.

Floral Formula BrO P(3+3) A3+3 G(3)

Reasons for Identification

1. Flower trimerous.

2. Petaloid perianth in two whorls of 3 each.

3. Stamens six in two whorls of 3 each, epiphyllous.

4. Ovary tricarpellary, trilocular with axile placentation.

Some similar flowers. Asparagus officinalis (Satavari), Asphodelus tenuifolius (Piazi).

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