The syllabus of biology practicals at senior secondary levels also includes a project or investigatory experiment to develop the concept of original thinking, planning and performing scientific ideas. A student can plan his or her

own experiment and perform that to test the validity of the idea. Such experiments require several hours or days even. The syllabus of class XII has a list of such experiments. Out of which student can choose any one or he/she can plan a project of his/her own choice.


1.Selection of topic. For selection of the topic for the project work road different chapters of your syllabus and also consult scientific literature. Then select the topic of your interest.

2. Planning of the project. Collect all possibly available informations about the topic of the project. Prepare a rough outline of the experimental work of the project.

3. Experimentation for the project. Plan and conduct the experimental work with precision so that you are sure to get correct results.

Following points should be kept in mind while performing the experiments for the project work.

(i) Collect data with honesty and utmost care. Record only your observations and data.

(i) Repeat the experiment several times and take average of the results of all the experiments.

(iii) Compare your results with those available in the reference books.

(iv) Discuss your results in the light of available information about the project and draw out meaningful conclusion.

(v) Make use of histograms, graphs, photographs, diagrams or models to support your observations and conclusions.

(vi) Give a list of books, magazines or journals you have consulted during the course of your project.

(vi) Acknowledge the guidance, help and assistance rendered by your teacher, parents, neighbours and friends by expressing sincere gratitude and thanks to them in the beginning.


A student is required to do a project work, collect related data and write it. It is a type of experimental exercise performed with a scientific attitude. Students are required to get their project report typed on bond paper sheets (if possible) and to represent in the best possible manner. The project report should be written in the

following sequence:

1.Title/Aim-Name of the project.

2.Introduction-Information collected from various sources related to the topic.

३-Requirements-Materials required for experimental work.

४-Procedure-Write details of the experimental work you have performed.

५.Observations-Record your observations/data in the form of tables, histograms, graphs etc.

6. Results/Conclusion-Give analysis of the data and compare your results with those available in the literature and draw conclusions.

7.References Give the list of books, magazines or journals you have consulted, for the project work.




Study of the effect of fertilizers on the rate of germination, elongation of hypocotyl and the length of root. 

2.To study competition between weeds and crops. 

3.Study of effect of antibiotics on micro-organisms.

4. Study of apical dominance in potato and coleus. 

5. To study the breaking of dormancy of seeds by KNO३, ethylene and cytokinin. 

6. To study deficiency symptoms of various essential elements and minerals. 

7. Study of the effect of light and gravity on plant growth movement. 

8. Study of pollen structure and calculation of pollen viability. 

9.Study of rates of pollen germination of various species in sugar and boron solution. 

10. Study of effect of 2, 4-D on translocation process. 

11.Study of the effect of gibberellin on seed germination and shoot elongation. 

12. Study of the effect of a herbicide on lawn weeds. 

13.To study of dispersal of seeds by various agencies. 

14. Study of canopy architecture of trees. 

15. Study of the effect of avenue trees on temperature under canopy and outside. 

16. Study of pollination in Sunflower and legume. 

17. Comparative study of the chlorophyll content in five different species of plants. 

18.To study the adaptability of cockroaches to drastic environmental changes such as (i) absence of plants and

animal food, (ii) cold condition and (iii) high concentration of carbon dioxide. 

19. Study of frog/toad's ovary during breeding season to identify the stages of maturation of the ova

20. Study of the metamorphosis of Frog's tadpole through specimens. 

21. Study of developmental stages of housefly/cockroach.

22.Study of drug resistance in bacteria using antibiotics. 

23. Study of coaguable and non-coaguable milk proteins. 

24. Study of the effect of osmotic stress by administration of hypertonic saline in frog. 

25. Study of locomotion and role of different fins in fishes. 

26. Study of zooplanktons from fresh water ponds and tanks. 

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