EXPERIMENT 9 Objective. To study the rate of respiration in germinating seeds having different substances such as wheat(carbohydrates), mustard/groundnut (fats) and gram/bean (proteins).


                            EXPERIMENT 9

Objective. To study the rate of respiration in germinating seeds having different substances such as wheat(carbohydrates), mustard/groundnut (fats) and gram/bean (proteins).


A conical flask, cork, beaker, a twice bent glass tube, a small test tube, thread, water KOH, germinating seeds of wheat, mustard/groundnut and gram/bean, etc.


1.Take a definite quantity (i.e., 10 gm) of germinating seeds of wheat in the conical flask and hang a small test tube containing KOH crystal inside the flask with the help of a thread.

2.Introduce one end of the bent glass tube into the conical flask through the cork. Dip the free end of the tube in a beaker containing water.

3.Make the apparatus air tight and leave the apparatus undisturbed. 

4.Also set a control without germinating seeds in the flask.

5. Repeat the experiment taking the other types of germinating seeds (mustard/groundnut and gram/bean).

6.Observe the level of rise of water in the glass tube

dipped in water for each type of seeds and record the data in the observation Table.



The rise in the water level is more in the case of wheat as compared to mustard/groundnut and gram/bean seeds. 


The germinating seeds respire and take oxygen from the flask and release out carbon dioxide. The KOH crystals in the test tube absorb carbon dioxide, creating a vacuum in the flask. This results rise of water in the glass tube.

The rise in water level is comparatively less in the case of mustard/groundnut and gram/bean seeds, because these seeds utilise fat and proteins as respiratory substrate and release less of carbon dioxide. The rise in water level is more in case of wheat grains as the later utilise carbohydrate as respiratory substrate.


1. The apparatus should always be kept air tight. 

2.Fresh KOH should be taken for the experiment. 

3. The rise in water level should be accurately measured. 

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