EXPERIMENT 7 Objective. To test for glucose, sucrose, starch, proteins and fats and to show their presence in suitable plant and animal materials.


                         EXPERIMENT 7

Objective. To test for glucose, sucrose, starch, proteins and fats and to show their presence in suitable plant and animal materials.


Seeds of peanut, castor and gram, rice grains, potato, sugarbeat, sugarcane, grapes, orange, banana, apple,egg albumin, filter paper, test tubes, funnel, beaker, test tube holder, burner, Benedict's solution, Fehling's solutions, Biuret reagent, Millon's reagent, sudan III, NaOH, HCl and HNO, etc.


Soak the seeds of peanut, castor and gram and grains of rice. Grind them separately and make their paste.Similarly make the paste of potato, sugarbeet, sugarcane, fruits and egg albumin separately. Filter the contents of all these in separate test tubes and label them. Use these filtrates for testing different organic compounds.

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