To study and identify the stages of gamete development i.e., T.S. testis and L.S. ovary through permanent slide.

                             EXPERIMENT 03


To study and identify the stages of gamete development i.e., T.S. testis and L.S. ovary through permanent slide.


Permanent slide of T.S. testis and L.S of ovary, microscope. 


Fix the permanent slide under the micro-

scope First observe it under the low power and

then under high power. 


T.S. Testis

1 The mammalian testis is covered by a thick

fibrous tissue called tunica albuginea..

2. The testis consists of numerous seminiferous

tubules embedded in the interstitial tissue.

3. Various types of germinal cells are present

from outside towards lumen in the follow-ing sequence.

Spermatogonia Spermatocytes

→ Spermatids → Spermatozoa → Sperms.

4. Between the germinal cells pyramid shaped

cells called sertoli cells are present.

5. A large number of spermatozoa with their

heads embedded in sertoli cells are present

in the lumen of seminferous tubule.

6. The interstitial tissue also contain leydigs

cells, which produce male sex hormone


V.S. Ovary

1.A mammalian ovary is a solid structure bounded by germinal epithelium followed by a thick layer of fibrous tissue, the tunica albuginia

2.The ovary consists of outer cortex and inner medulla. 

3.The medulla contains many rounded or oval bodies called ovarian or Graafian follicles at various stages of development.

4. The medulla also contains blood vessels, nerves fibres and some smooth muscles.

5.Each follicle contains a large ovum surrounded by many layers of follicle cells.

6.The cortex contains young and mature follicles.

7.The cortex may also contain a large mass of yellow cells termed corpus luteum, formed in an empty Graafian follicle after the release
of its ovum.

 A section of a mammalian ovary



1.First observe the slide under low power and then under the high power of the microscope.

2.Use fine adjustment of the microscope for focussing the slide under high power.

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