OBJECT To analyse seed sample of pea for mendelian Dihybrid ratio of 9:3:3:1.

                            EXPERIMENT 09


To analyse seed sample of pea for mendelian Dihybrid ratio of 9:3:3:1.


Pea seed sample, enemel tray, petridishes, note book, pencil/pen.


1.Take a lot of about 250 pea seed in a enemel tray. 

2.seprete out yellow round and yellow wrinkles green round and green wrinkles seeds and put them in separate petridishes. 

3.Note down the number of seeds in each plate and find out their approximate ratio. 

Observation -

Present your finding in the form of table given below. Data related to one finding is given in the table record your finding in Same way. 


The ratio of yellow round : yellow wrinkles: green round : green wrinkles is approximately  9:3:3:1

Which is exactly the same as obtained by mendelian for dihybrid cross. This indicate the contrasting genes for seed colour and seed shape shown as independent assortment in the population of pea seeds. 


1. Take a sufficiently large number of seed lot for analysis to minimize the error. 

2. Observe the contrasting form of the trait carefully. 

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