To identify common diseases causing organism and the symptoms of the disease.
There are quite a large number of organism that are parasite pathogenic to human these organism substantially demage the human body and cause disease, which may even be fatal sometime. these organism exhibit characteristics features in there external morphology. symptoms of the disease caused by them also specific.
reserve space maintenance light photograph of cary santa magar plasmodium ringworm fungus and compound microscope
observed the preserved specimen slide photograph and note down the feature in the practical record book. Take care to observe all the minute details and draw labelled diagram of the pathogens.
Indentification. Entamoeba histolytica.
Disease caused. Amoebiasis or Amoebic
1. It is a human parasite that resides in the up-
per part of the large intestine.
2. It causes the disease called amoebic dysentry
or amoebiasis.
3. The symptoms of the diseases include abdomi-
nal pain, repeated motions with blood and
4. The parasite is unicellular and has one
5. There is a single nucleus and a number of food
6. If feeds on red blood corpuscles by damaging the wall of large intestine and reaching the blood capillaries.
7. It produces ulcers and can also reach other body organs.
Identification. Plasmodium vivax (Malarial Parasite)
Disease caused. Malaria
1. Plasmodium enters human body in sporozoite stage by the bites of female Anopheles mosquito.
2. The sporozoite is spindle shaped and uninucleate organism capa-ble of wringging movement.
3. The sporozoites infect liver cells and produce cryptomerozoites.
The latter enter new liver cells and produce metacryptomerozoites.
4. The metacryptomerozoites enter RBCs and passes trophozoite sig-net ring stage and amoeboid stage and produce schizont and merozoites.
5. The merozoites enter fresh RBCs and produce gametocytes.
6. The gametocytes reach into mosquito stomach, when the later sucks the blood of infected human host.
7. The gametocytes produce male and female gametes in the stomach of mosquito,
8. The male and female gamete fuse to form zygote. The later worm like called ookinete, which penetrate in the wall of stomach and form oocyst.
9. The oocyst produce sporozoites which is released in the haemocoel of the mosquito and reach into the salivary gland and make the mosquito infected.
1. The symptoms of maleria fever appeare about 14 days after the infection bite.
2.Early symptoms include restlessness, less appetide, slight sleeplessness followed by muscular pain, headache and feeling of chillness.
3.The response to chills the body temperature starts rising ond may reach 106F at the height of fever.
4. The patient sweats a lot and the temperature steadily goes down to normal, till the next attack takes place after 48 hours.
3 Ascaris
Identification. Ascaris lumbricoides (The giant intestinal roundworm)
Disease caused. Ascarinsis.
1. Its an endoparasite of the small intetine of human beings and is more common in children.
2. The animal shows sexual dimorphism. The female is longer than the male.
3. The posterior end of the male is curved ventrally.
4. In Female, the genital aperture is present on the mid-ventral line at about one third of the length from the anterior end.
5.In male from the cloaca two equal chitinous spicules or pineal setae project which help in copulation.
1. Generally a large number of adult Ascaris worm infest a single host, and obstruct the intestinal passage and thereby cause abdominal discomforts like colic pains.
2. The patient may also suffer from impaired digestion, diarrohea and vomiting
3. In children mental efficiency is affected and body growth is retarded.
Identification . Microsporum andouini
Disease caused. Ring worm of scalp in children or Dermatomycosis.
1. The fine mycelium of the fungus occurs in break in the dermis.
2.It infects hair, where hyphac emerge from the sheath and grow up and down them.
3.Tho hyphae in the hair put out to the surface fine filaments on which spores are borne.
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