NVS PGT Syllabus 2022: Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) has released an updated NVS PGT Exam Pattern & Syllabus along with NVS recruitment 202 notification for 397 Post Graduate Teacher Vacancies. The candidates who are going to appear for the upcoming NVS PGT Teacher Exam must be aware of the changes made in the NVS PGT Syllabus & Exam Pattern which has been discussed in this article.
NVS PGT Syllabus 2022
NVS PGT Syllabus 2022- Overview
Board Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS)
Exam Name NVS PGT 2022
Vacancies 397
Category Syllabus
Mode of Exam Offline
Exam Duration 3 Hours
NVS PGT Exam Date To be notified
Marking Scheme 1 Mark
Negative Marking ¼ marks
Selection Process Written Test- Interview
Official website www.navodaya.gov.in
NVS PGT Exam Pattern 2022
1. NVS PGT Exam consists of 6 parts- Reasoning Ability, General Awareness, Knowledge of ICT, Teaching Aptitude, Domain Subject Knowledge, and Language Competency Test.
2. Each question carries 1 mark for the correct answer.
3. There will be a negative marking of ¼th mark for each incorrect answer.
4. The NVS PGT Exam will be bilingual (English & Hindi) except for the language test.
The revised NVS PGT Exam Pattern 2022 has been tabulated below.
NVS PGT Exam Pattern 2022
Papers Sections Number of Duration Total Marks Duration
Part-I Reasoning Ability 20 20 3 hours
Part-II General Awareness 10 10
Part-III Knowledge of ICT 10 10
Part-IV Teaching Aptitude 10 10
Part-V Domain Subject Knowledge (difficulty level Graduation) 80 80
Part-VI Language Competency Test (General English and General Hindi-15 marks each subject) 20 20
Total 150 150
NVS PGT Syllabus
NVS PGT Syllabus for General Awareness
+ Important Days & Dates
+ Indian History
+ Books and Authors
+ Indian National Movement
+ Awards and Honors
+ Budget and Five Year Plans
+ General Polity
+ Current Affairs – National & International
+ Indian Economy
+ States & Capitals of India
+ International & National Organizations
+ Science – Inventions & Discoveries
+ Science & Technology
+ Sports
+ Abbreviations
+ Countries & Capitals
NVS PGT Syllabus for Reasoning
* Arithmetic Number Series/Letter and Symbol Series
* Spatial Orientation
* Observation
* Figures/Verbal Classification
* Relationship concepts
* Arithmetical Reasoning
* Non-verbal series
* Analogies
* Discrimination
* Visual Memory
* Similarities and Differences
* Spatial Visualization
* Coding and Decoding
* Statement and Conclusion
* Logical Deduction
* Statement and Argument
* Cause and Effect
* Making Judgments
NVS PGT Syllabus for General English
# Verb
# Comprehension
# Unseen Passages
# Tenses
# Fill in the Blanks
# Vocabulary
# Voice
# Adverb
# Antonyms/Synonyms
# Subject-Verb Agreement
# Error Correction
# English Grammar
# Articles
# Sentence Rearrangement
# Idioms & Phrases
NVS PGT Syllabus for General Hindi
// Vocabulary.
// Grammar.
// Synonyms.
// Translation of Sentences.
Fill in the Blanks.
Error Detection.
Plural Forms etc.
All the best guys 🐱🐱🐱
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